It is a southern European parliamentary republic with borders with Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, and France. Part of its territory includes the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. The Vatican and San Marino are the sovereign states in Italy. The Italian enclave in Campione d’Italia is in Switzerland. As the fourth largest economy of the European Union, Italy is also an effective regional power. Italy is a founding member of NATO, the World Trade Organization, and the three-year “G” summit. Studying law in Italy, a world-leading country in many fields, will open different horizons for international students.
Law education in Italy is an integrated (unico ciclo) program, and undergraduate and master’s education are provided together. It takes a total of 5 years in the form of 3 + 2. For students who want to study law in Italy, English education is given in several universities at the undergraduate level. The education period is 3 years. In Italy, the choice of a master’s in law is much wider.
Legal System in Italy
Administrative, criminal, and civil courts form the legal system in Italy. Criminal cases consist of lawyers, prosecutors, judges, and juries. There are only prosecutors and lawyers in administrative and civil courts. Following the court’s decision, the parties can apply to a higher court in succession up to the Italian Supreme Court.
The protection of individual and legitimate interests is the function of Italy’s administrative courts. The cases heard in the administrative court primarily deal with problems involving the public interest, public funds and property, administrative authorities, or cities/villages.
Study Law in Italy
Undergraduate education in law in Italy is generally provided in Italian. However, in a few universities, education in international law is provided in English, and the education period is 3 years.
You can also contact us to get an undergraduate degree in Law in Italy and learn about the opportunities in this field.
For detailed information, you can check our article “Undergraduate Education in Italy.”
Master of Law in Italy
Master’s education in Italy takes 2 years as in many countries and has a thesis. For students who want to study master’s in law in Italy, mostly English education is given in areas such as European Studies, Business and Corporate Law, and Commercial Law. Besides, some research centres and higher education institutions have 1-year programs.
In Italy, one of the largest economies in Europe, current law programs are offered in areas such as business, commerce, and economy for students who want to study law in Italy. These programs are given in Italy’s best universities.
You can read our “Best Universities in Italy” article.
Programs in Master of Law in Italy
The programs for the master of law you can study in Italy are:
- Business Law
- Business Law and the European Economy
- International Business Law
- International Law
- European Law and Policy
- European Law Studies
- Cross Border Crimes
- Human Rights and Multi-Stage Management
- Law Studies
You can contact us for information on this subject and get information from our graduate students in Italy.
Faculty of Law in Italy
There are different requirements for admission to law schools in Italy. There is no exam requirement for a master’s degree. Schools require a language certificate at the B2 / C1 level and a bachelor’s degree in the application’s relevant field. For undergraduate education, a language certificate at the B2 level is also required. If you want to study law in Italian in Italy, you must have at least B2 or C1 level Italian language knowledge and a language document to prove it.
Study Law in English in Italy
In Italy, it is possible to study law in English at the undergraduate and master’s levels. Legal education in Italian in Italy is a 3 + 2, that is, an integrated program. However, undergraduate programs in English are 3-year programs. Therefore, if you want to work as a lawyer in Italy, you have to do your 2-year master’s degree and pass the exam when you graduate from these programs. The exam language is naturally held in Italian. It will naturally be a very difficult process to study law in English and work as a lawyer in Italy.
In Italy, the options for a master’s in law in English are wider. You can study for a master’s degree in English at Italy’s best law faculties, such as at Milan University.
University of Milan
Work as a Lawyer in Italy
You can work as a lawyer after your legal study law in Italy education. For this, you have to pass the exam held in Italy. In addition, legal consultancy to international companies in Italy is among your career options.