Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael… These names, known as the three great masters of the Renaissance, have been a turning point in world art history, and millions still visit their works. In this article, we will give information about studying a master’s in art history in Italy, a country that has shaped the art history of the world.
You can also contact us to study the art history in Italy and witness the transformation of art from the past into the future.
Study Art History in Italy
Art history examines the historical evolution of visual arts. Ideas about art and the definition of art have changed continuously throughout history. Art history aims to classify, understand, and interpret these changes by systematizing them. It examines the artistic understanding of all civilizations from the past to the present. All types of art that man acquires by shaping matter is the subject of art history. How painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts have been in a transformation since their birth and what kinds of works were created are related to the history of art. We can define to study master’s in art history in Italy as a branch of science that aims to determine and evaluate the artworks and the styles and understanding of the artists who designed them.
Studying a master’s degree abroad in the field of art history, especially in Italy, where many art movements were first introduced, is an experience that will open up very different horizons. Italy, which is a preferred country for university education in many different fields, offers many program options in art history.
Also, you can check our “Study Fine Arts in Italy” article.
Art History Schools in Italy
University education in Italy in recent years has become very popular in the world. There are many reasons for this popularity. Most preferred programs worldwide can be read entirely in English in Italy.
With its wide range of programs and scholarship options, Italy is a complete education country where you can get a quality education in Europe.
Specific Programs like Art History
In Italy, which opens its doors to thousands of international students every year and offers low tuition fees and a wide range of scholarships, you can study for a master’s in art history entirely in English. In addition to art and art history education, courses in management, curating, and archaeology are also offered at public schools that provide English education in this field.
Art history education in English is also provided in private schools. The curriculum in these schools includes more specific courses directly related to art history.
In the study master’s in art history in Italy, your choice will be much broader.