High School Education System in Italy
In recent years, studying at high school in Italy has become a favored option of parents and students considering education abroad. The upper secondary education system in Italy lasts for 5 years.
During the first two years of this so-called scuola superiore ( biennio ), students use the same state-mandated curriculum: basic Italian and Latin, literature, history, geography, social studies, philosophy, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and one or more foreign languages, and physical education. In the next three years students; will make their career and field specialization preferences (indirizzi) according to their personal skills, preferences and demands.
You can also check out our page about “Making a Living In Italy “.
Students must take and pass written and oral exams to obtain their high school diploma (diploma di maturità). First written exam; It is an essay in Italian in terms of literature, history, society or science. The second written exam is a research/term paper and relates to the student’s chosen area of expertise. The third exam is more general and includes questions about current issues and a foreign language chosen by the student. After the written exams, a final oral exam will be held by a board of six teachers, asking students what they have learned in the last year of school.
The diploma awarded depends on the type of school attended. A high school diploma is generally considered a university entry qualification, but it is better to consult the relevant university for entry requirements. The university is open to all students who have completed five years of secondary school and earned a high school diploma. It is possible for students who attend vocational schools to progress to university. If a student has attended a four-year secondary school program, an additional year of study is required to progress to college.
Recommended article: ” University Education System in Italy “.
High School Specialization Areas
Studying high school in Italy first of all will allow you to experience Italian culture. Because of variations among high schools and according to the chosen subjects, there are classes from 8:30 to 13:30 from Monday to Saturday. Sometimes, depending on the day of the week and school rules, students go to school for 5-8 hours a day. There is usually no break at the end of each class, but most schools have a break that lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. If students need to stay at school even after lunch, a longer break is given to allow them to eat and rest.
Classical High School (Liceo Classico)
Classical high school lasts for 5 years and prepares the student for university-level education. Latin, Greek and Italian literature form an important part of the curriculum. Philosophy and art history are also covered in the last three years.
Science High School (Liceo Scientifico)
It is a five-year education, mainly in physics, chemistry and natural sciences. The student will also learn Latin and one modern language.
Fine Arts High School (Liceo Artistico)
Studies in fine arts high schools can take four to five years and prepare for university studies in painting, sculpture or architecture.
You can also review our article ” Fine Arts Education in Italy ” prepared for the university.
Teacher Training School (Istituto Magistrale)
Teacher education lasts for five years and prepares future primary school teachers. There is also three-year training course for kindergarten teachers, but this diploma does not entitle students to enroll in a university later on.
Art Schools (Istituto d’Arte)
With three years of study, students are prepared to work in an artistic field and have an arts qualification diploma (diploma di Maestro d’Arte).
You can also review our article ” Performing Arts Education in Italy ” prepared for the university.
Technical Institutes (Istituti Tecnici)
The five-year education prepares students both for university studies and for a profession. In technical schools, the majority of students are prepared to work in a technical or administrative capacity in agriculture, industry or commerce.
Vocational Institutes (Istituti Professionali)
With the training to be taken in vocational institutes, you will receive a vocational qualification diploma in three or five years.
High School Education with Exchange Programs
Another option is studying in Italy via exchange programs. At the end of the one-year exchange program education, students can return to study in Italian Universities or to study preparatory courses in Italy with the added benefit of solid knowledge of Italian and / or English language they have developed during the exchange period.
Studying High School in Italy – Tuition Expenses
Expenses of studying high school in Italy vary substantially depending on the tuition fee of the school you attend, the accommodation expenses in the region and your living expenses. However, to give a rough figure, any amount between €5.000 and 25.000 can be expected. You can contact us for more detailed information about fees.
You can also check our ” University Fees and Scholarships in Italy ” page to get a better idea of the expenses involved with studying in Italy.
Studying High School in Italy – Accommodation and Scholarship
One of the popular accommodation methods is the option of a homestay. Here students stay with carefully selected families and they will be able to learn the Italian culture and Italian language. This method ensures that students will adapt to the region in a short period. Moreover, students will have their own room and will spend time as a member of the family.
Additionally, you can check our page about ” Accommodation in Italy “.
Italy, which is divided into different regions, provides students different scholarship and accommodation opportunities depending on the city they live in. You can stay in a dormitory provided by your school or the government, or those who wish can choose private dormitories. In addition, it is easy to get a scholarship, which is one of the important factors making education in Italy attractive for students.
You can check our page about ” Scholarship Opportunities in Italy “.
Pava Education provides educational consultancy services to all students who want to study in Italy, such as studying high school in Italy, taking courses in Italy and studying at a university in Italy.
Pava Education will assist you from the application to the registration stage and will be your greatest partner in all processes. All you have to do is fill out the application form. Our expert consultants will contact you as soon as possible.