The A-Level program was developed by Cambridge University in 1951. This program, which is an internationally recognized diploma, is the UK’s high school equivalent diploma. This 2-year program, consisting of 6 units attended by students aged 16-19, can be described as a British High School Diploma. This diploma, which is one of the most important certifications in the world, is accepted by the universities that are at the top of the global rankings.
Students receive a comprehensive education in science, literature, social sciences, and arts during the A-Level program, which is approved by globally renowned universities such as Stanford, Oxford, Yale, Harvard, MIT, LSE, and Cambridge. Students who have completed high school in England make their university applications with this diploma.
In this 2-year period, the first year of education is called Advanced Subsidiary Level, or AS Level for short. Students who take a sufficient number of courses and successfully complete the program have the chance to earn the A-Level qualification at the end of the second year. In addition to this, parallel to the worldwide value given to science and scientists, the A-Level diploma is a document that can provide access to almost all countries.
How to Get an A-Level Diploma?
The A-Level program improves students’ ability to read and write daily texts, scientific reports, academic articles, and literary and fictional texts with full command of English throughout their high school education.
In addition, students in this program learn to understand and speak English comprehensively in education, social or professional lives. Before starting the program, it is important that the participants determine their future goals well and make their course choices accordingly. Students who are successful at the end of the complementary training taken under the name of Advanced Subsidiary (AS) in the first year can progress to the second year.
What Kind of Education Awaits Me?
During the 2-year program, some of the training received in the first stage is continued in the second stage. Students are required to take at least 3 courses for 2 years. Grades are given separately for each course taken and diplomas are taken according to the courses. On average, students can graduate by taking 5 courses during their education period and receive the A-Level diplomas.
The selection of A-level subjects should be done based on the desired future university and the department of study; this will determine the quality and success of the education. Students who successfully complete the A-Level program can also have the opportunity to receive scholarships from the world’s leading universities.
In Which Countries Is It Valid?
An A-Level diploma is considered equivalent and accepted in almost every country. Students with this diploma, valid in all universities in England, can take the undergraduate education they want here. In addition, an A-Level diploma is sufficient to study in New Zealand and Australia, which offer the closest education to the British education system.
Especially in the last four years, A-Level education has become more popular in European schools and is being accepted by universities in Scotland and USA.
What are A-Level Exams like?
In A-Level exams, only questions prepared in England are asked regardless of the country where the exam is sat. And as such, exam results are also evaluated only in England. In the International GCSE and A-Level exams, there are no multiple-choice questions in the exam system in our country.
In the exams, which vary according to the subjects taken, open-ended and applied questions are also included. The questions are prepared in accordance with guidelines and presented in a way that assesses various qualities. With the data obtained in this way, students’ analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and similar high-level abilities and thinking skills are also measured. All of these exams are administered in English.
The relevant institution of England has authorized 4 different institutions to administer OFQUAL, GCSE and A LEVEL exams outside the UK. Among these four organizations, CIE is affiliated with Cambridge University and EDEXCEL is affiliated with Pearson, which is accepted as the largest education institution globally. GCSE and A LEVEL exams are applied to the education programs accredited by these institutions and approved by the Ministry of National Education.